It could be said that life is one long walk.
And for a poet,
it could be argued that life is
one long poem.
welcome to a poet walks
I grew up walking in the hills of the west.
I learned to think out there in the bosom of nature, and in time poetry entered my realm.
The language and tools of a poet gave rise to a new way of defining my life.
A new and complex way of releasing what I held inside that had yearned for articulation.
Countless hours of walking and reflection has given me fertile ground for my poetry to develop and grow.
Walk with me…
as I turn onto a new road sharing my poetry, music, and thoughts in hopes to encounter new adventures and artistic expressions.
I am a Poet who walks.
For me walking is fodder for the soul.
For me walking is the fodder of poetry.
Spoken word that speaks
through soul vibrations.
The Walk
My life has had many faces. Whether it was in the hottest sweats of summer, the coldest biting winds of winter, the pouring rains of homelessness, or the calm of a beautiful spring day;
I have remained a poet and viewed life through those lenses.